
Showing posts from June, 2021

Religious organizations can boost food production

   Religious organizations can boost food production in Nigeria - Oluwatomi Olatoye  It is no longer news that the state of food insecurity in Nigeria is getting worse as the days go by. From insufficient supply of foodstuff to increasing prices with no sign of recovery, it is obvious that action must be taken now to rescue Nigeria.   As the Nigerian government has not been able to fully tackle this issue, a body that could take on this task is the religious org. Considering the reach, size, financial capability and influence in the nation, religious organizations have what it takes to fight food insecurity in Nigeria. Some projects they could embark on include: 1. Land clearing This is a major factor in food production and has proven to be a hard task for upcoming farmers. They can buy tractors and organize schemes to make them available for farmers or even donate to  local governments in Nigeria. There are 774 local governments in Nigeria. Each can be eq...

50 fast facts about land Snails

50 FAST FACTS ON LAND SNAILS   -By Oluwatomi Olatoye, Msc Agric Geography 1.      Snail farming is the act of raising Snails. 2.      Snails are shell bearing animals. 3.      Snails are nocturnal animals. 4.      Snails are sensitive to vibration, frequent touching and dirty environment. 5.      Snails can be raised indoor or outdoor. 6.      Edible land snails enjoy cool environment. 7.      Snails hibernate during the dry season. 8.      99% of snail activities occur in the night. 9.      The protein content of snail is between 16 – 18%.(FAO). 10. FAO recommends 65grams of snails to be taken daily. 11. Snail meat contains very little cholesterol or fat.. 12. In Europe , snail meat is called escargot. 13. Snail meat has both loc...

Green Gold Bitter leaf Tea - flush off stomach problems!

  Treats Stomach Upset Bitter leaf is also good for treating abdominal difficulties such as diarrhea, stomach upset and gastrointestinal tract diseases like dysentery and related other issues. Bitter leaves are the major agents that are recommended as a natural remedy for intestinal problems and stomach cramps   Usage : Take a cup of Green Gold Bitter leaf tea twice a day to flush off stomach problems. Nutritional Facts about Bitter Leaf Bitter leaf though bitter in taste contains essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E, vitamin B1 and B2. Other important nutrients found in a bitter leaf are nutrients are fiber, proteins, and minerals such as manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium and selenium in traceable amount. There is also a presence of plant compounds such as andrographolide, sesquiterpenoids, polimetoksiflavon, apigenin, labdane diterpenoid and andragrafin in traceable amounts. Phytochemicals such as alkaloids, s...

Bitter leaf for Blood Pressure

  Lowers High Blood Pressure Drinking Bitter leaf tea is commonly known to reduce the level of sugar in the blood and control blood pressure due to the bitterness. This is true because bitter leave has  andrographolide content that contributes to sugar reduction in the blood and as reducing the risk of resulting diabetes. There is also a trace of potassium in the bitter leaf which is another good remedy for hypertension . This mineral helps to flush out the accumulation of salt which spikes the amount of sodium in the bloodstream and causes delicate blood pressure (high blood pressure).

FIBROIDS, Soursop and Guava

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Sour sop Tea For Fever

Soursop Treats Fever   A fever is a temporary increase in your body temperature, often due to an illness. Having a fever is a sign that something out of the ordinary is going on in your body. For an adult, a fever may be uncomfortable, but usually isn't a cause for concern unless it reaches 103 F (39.4 C) or higher. Symptoms Sweating. Chills and shivering. Headache. Muscle aches. Loss of appetite. Irritability. Dehydration. General weakness. The Soursop fruit has been traditionally used to treat fever. In Africa, a decoction of Soursop leaves is used to control feverish symptoms and convulsive seizures. In fact, the larvae of the Aedes aegypti mosquito (which transmit dengue fever), showed great vulnerability towards soursop extract  As per an Indian study, the Soursop fruit and its juice can not only treat fever, but also act as an astringent for diarrhea and dysentery  The fruit can help treat fever in children as well; Soursop is widely used for this purpose...

Soursop Improves Eye Health

click to read more : Soursop Improves Eye Health We have seen Soursop is replete with antioxidants. They donate electrons to free radicals, which neutralizes them and prevents them from causing harm. Bottom Line: Antioxidants are molecules that fight damage by free radicals, unstable molecules that can harm cellular structures. Antioxidants do this by giving electrons to the free radicals and neutralizing them. These antioxidants, especially vitamins C and E, zinc, and beta-carotene, have been found to decrease the risk of eye disease. The antioxidants also reduce oxidative stress, which can otherwise cause cataracts and age-related macular degeneration Order for Green Gold Sour Sop TEA

Sour sop, and its Antiulcer Properties

Soursop For Gastrointestinal Health Soursop is also found to have antiulcer properties. The fruit suppresses oxidative damage and preserves the mucus of the gastric wall.   The significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the soursop fruit can help improve gastrointestinal health. In one Brazilian study, the anthelmintic (the ability to kill parasites) properties of Soursop leaf extract were studied. They studied the effects of a parasitic worm that caused gastrointestinal issues in sheep. The objective of the study was to inspect the effects of Soursop towards the eggs and adult forms of the parasite. The study concluded that Soursop is a natural anthelmintic, and since it could kill the parasites in sheep that caused them gastrointestinal issues, it might have similar effects in humans. More research is going on, though. As per another report, excessive doses of oral iron can lead to gastrointestinal issues. Though soursop is a source of iron, the...

Sour sop, high in Vitamin C

    Soursop is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant known to boost immune health . The vitamin strengthens your immune system, improving its ability to defend against pathogens. It also promotes the destruction of free radicals, which can help to protect your skin and cells from environmental oxidative damage.   It has antioxidant properties · It has anti-inflammatory properties · It may help lower blood sugar · It may help lower blood   Like most fruits and vegetables, soursop is a good source of antioxidants, which might help the body repair cell damage and combat inflammation. Your body does not store Vitamin C, so you have to take food that gives you Vitamin C daily.  A smart way  is to drink Green Gold Sour sop daily. order now  

Inspiring Story - God and Sour sop leaves

Rich attributes his continued health to two things: God and Graviola(Sour sop) tea leaves, which are grown in the Caribbean and promoted as a natural, cancer fighting product. Rich and Aline pray together daily. They thank God for what they have. Eric gave Rich his first batch of Graviola, and he’s been drinking the tea ever since. “I’m not sure if it’s the God thing, or the tea, or a combination of both,” he said. “Either way, praying isn’t going to hurt you. If nothing else, you have peace of mind. I’d recommend it. It’s a good way to stay positive.”  click to read more -travels-drinks-tea/

Natari Groups takes Agric Revolution to Secondary schools

Mr Ibiam, one of the Directors of Natari Nigeria shares on  the Legacies of NATARI Group The group is working to bring   back Agric Clubs to schools in Nigeria and the rest of Africa like in the days of Young Farmers Club. The This Nigeria  project is in partnership with other organizations such as Change Makers Africa who sponsored the Benin city school Agric Club project. NATARI group Agritittude’s program is a sure answer to anticipated Agricultural Revolution.

Stevia 300x Sweeter than Sugar

  Stevia, it is really sweet! My first time of using Stevia, I dried some leaves and blended it to powder. I added a teaspoon Stevia powder to my tea and couldn’t drink the tea as it was too sweet! Can you believe it? Too sweet !. Just 2 Leaves of Fresh Stevia dropped in tea cup(hot water) is perfect Plant 3 stevia and enjoy free calories sweetener. 3 stands can cater for sugar need of a family.    Order for your Stevia stands whatsapp 08052069264   Stevia has heaps of other benefits apart from replacing the sugar content in our diet! Strengthens our immune system Fights bacteria – especially in the mouth. That means less tooth decay and mouth sores! Lowers blood pressure It helps our digestion, reduces gas and bloating and helps with heartburn Helps with Dandruff – just boil few leaves in water and add to your shampoo. Can dramatically reduce wrinkles!