
Showing posts from October, 2023

Urban Agriculture - World Food Day

Celebrating World Food Day! As we gather to celebrate World Food Day, it's crucial that we turn our attention to the transformative power of urban agriculture - Growing food in the cities In the midst of growing urbanization, urban farming stands as a beacon of hope, offering sustainable solutions to feed our ever-expanding cities. With every households creating  Home Garden, hunger won't be hopeless.  I encourage everyone to embrace home gardens,  community gardens, rooftop farms, and vertical agriculture, it will not only provide fresh, locally sourced food but also reduce the environmental footprint of long-distance food transportation.  On this day, I recognize the vital role urban agriculture plays in building resilient, healthier, and more equitable cities, ensuring that no one goes to bed hungry. Together, we can cultivate a brighter, more food-secure future for all. Hunger is not Hopeless! Oluwatomi Olatoye